題目 預測綠建築之購買意圖-心理因素在計畫行為理論之角色
作者 李春長、吳韻玲、施晉豪、李芝涵、林文韜、俞錚

本研究探討知覺價值、知覺品質與知覺風險對綠建築購買意圖之影響。以計畫行為理論(the theory of planned behavior, TPB)為理論基礎,整合三個心理變數(psychosocial variables):知覺價值、知覺品質與知覺風險來建構概念架構模型。以線性結構方程模式(structural equation modelling, SEM)進行參數之估計,主要以高雄市已成年有社會經驗且具有經濟能力者為調查對象。問卷調查期間為2017年4月15日起至2017年6月15日止,發放400份問卷,回收總計400份,扣除無效問卷共26份,有效回收率為93.5%。實證結果顯示,知覺價值對購買意圖具有顯著正向影響。知覺品質與知覺風險透過知覺價值對購買意圖具有間接影響。自我認知、知覺行為控制與社會規範對購買意圖具有顯著正向影響。本研究結果隱含較高的知覺價值、自我認知、知覺行為控制及社會規範,會提高消費者對綠建築的購買意圖。亦顯示本研究三個心理變數與TPB擴大整合概念架構模型,對於預測綠建築之購買意圖是極為重要的因素。

關鍵字 知覺品質、知覺風險、知覺價值、計畫行為理論、綠建築
頁碼 pp. 01-26



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財團法人台灣建築中心,2017 http://gb.tabc.org.tw/2017711日下載。



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題目 綠能產業創新模式之形塑:台灣經驗
作者 胡太山、林海萍、潘思錡、賈秉靜


關鍵字 南部地區、綠能產業、產業關聯、DUI-STI、創新模式
頁碼 pp. 27-44












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題目 重罪空間外部性效應之政策分析-空間杜賓模型應用
作者 胡志平

There were significant declines in serious crime which is associated inversely with increases in gross domestic product in Taiwan over the period from 2005 to 2015. Misdemeanor policing derived from the Broken-Windows hypothesis suggested that along with the increase in arrest for minor offense, and then the increased social control in evil motivation would discourage the anti-social behaviour of individuals. This paper applies Spatial Durbin Model to estimate the serious crime affected by deterrence of anti-social events with application of spatial econometric techniques in Taiwan. This paper finds remarkable decline in serious criminal activity is attributable to improved economic condition and minor offense control.  However, both economic incentive and social control by misdemeanor policing and their spatial lag terms are important in explaining this decline. Spatial Durbin model is the best one to fit this explanation for serious crime reduction in Taiwan. Additionally, spatial spillover effect from economic incentives and minor offense deterrence is a significant factor to consider when the public policy is formulated to crime reduction.

關鍵字 Spillover effects, Spatial Durbin model, Misdemeanor policing, Serious crime, Spatial lag
頁碼 pp. 45-62

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題目 Strategic planning vision and some key directions for economic breakthroughs during 2021-2025 period
作者 Nguyen Viet Long

Grounded by industrialization, in 2015, Binh Duong started to deliver a Smart City Program to drive disruptive socio-economic development in the province and build preparedness for the Industry 4.0 era, and has achieved great successes to lay the first stepping stones. At the entrance of 2021-2025 period with expected booms in the science and technology industry and new business models, Binh Duong envisions to drive further breakthroughs and transform itself to a higher level of development. However, the COVID 19 outbreak in early 2020 and resulting global economic downturns are creating new challenges, requiring Binh Duong to revisit its core leading industries for more focused investment. The paper will analyze the strategic planning vision and some key development directions in the next phase under the Binh Duong Smart City Program, in order to meet the pressing needs of the industry to tackle challenges, create stronger momentum of economic breakthroughs and lead the province to a new height.

關鍵字 Binh Duong, smart city, 2021-2025 period, key project, economic development
頁碼 pp. 63-78

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