Volume / Issue
Journal of architecture and plannin Volume1, 1
Article A Study on the Haussmann's Regulative Urban Development Plan
Author Wei-Hshin Hsieh

In the process of urbanization, the most preferential and imminent problem dealing with is overpopulation. This situation occurred in Paris in nineteen century. It seriously influenced the functions of existed urban organizations and impacted the capacity of needs and supplies. Therefore, the renewal and reviviscent plan was necessary for Paris. George Baron Haussmann was selected to do this work.This thesis aims directly at Haussmann's regulative urban development plan. It is explored by four subjects, which were transportation, public health, comfort and the beauty of city. Besides, other theories will be compared and discussed in details, to understand the whole picture of the challenge on solving the conflicts between modernization and preservation of historical issues.

Keywords Urban planning, Haussmann, Regulative Urban Development Plan
Pages pp.1-17

Wei-Hshin Hsieh, 1987, Historical look at urban planning, Journal of Architecture, Taipei.

Wei-Hshin Hsieh, 1987, The birth and growth of the city of Paris, Taiwan architect magazine, Taipei.

Chastel,F.Boudon et al., 1977, Systeme de l architecture Urban, Paris.

E.Henard, 1982, Etudes sur les transformationa de, Paris,reed,Bruxelles.

F.choay, 1965, L Urbanisme.Utopies et realites, Paris.

G.Haussmann, 1890-1893, Memoires, Paris.

L.B.Alberti, 1966, De re Aedificatoria, Milan.

M.Aguhon, 1983, La France Urbaine, Paris.

M.Poete, 1929, Introduction a l urbanisme, Paris.

P.Lavedan, 1959, Historire de l urbanisme ,t. ll:Renaissance, Paris.

R.Unwin, 1981, L etude pratique des plans de Villes, Paris.

Seuil, 1983, Histoire de la France urbaine, Paris.


Journal of architecture and plannin Volume1, 1
Article A Study of Space Configuration of the Garden of Versaille
Author Ming-Ling Yung

The style and form of the French garden are homogeneous, no matter when they were constructed or who the designer is. It means that those concepts of space configuration and site plans are from the same origin. However, it doesn’t suggest that all the French gardens are same. In order to understand one kind of rich style completely, it is necessary to analyze a selected case consisting of spatial theories. “The Garden of Versaille” is one of the typical cases of French garden. It will be the main subject being discussed by the viewpoint of space configuration for realizing how the concepts of the French garden were practiced.

Keywords French, The Garden of Versaille, Space configuration
Pages pp.19-38

WANG,JIN-TANG, 1966, Study of outer space techniques.

John Gilles, 1994, Garden water features.

1986, Japanese, English, Chinese Dictionary of Horticultural.

WU,JIN-XIONG, 1985, Landscape perception and landscape design.

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Daniel Meyer, 1994, Guide Promenade pour L ensemble du Domain Royal, Paris.

E.de Ganay, 1943, Les Jardins a la Francaise en France au XVIIIe siècle, Paris.

Encyclopaedia Universails, 1985, corpus 10, Paris.

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Georges Pascal, 1985, Nouvelle Encyclopaedie Bordas, Paris.

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M.Charageat, 1962, L Art des jardins, Paris.

Patrick ,Nuttgens,Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guide to Architecture.

Peter Murray, 1976, Renaissance Architecture.

Petit Laurousse, 1975, Paris.


Journal of architecture and plannin Volume1, 1
Article The Study of Restrength Design Algorithm for Existing Reinforce Concrete Structure Being under an Ea
Author Shyi-Lin Lee,Che-Way Chang,Guang-Rui Chen,Hsin-I Huang

The Taiwan Island is located in a complex, tectonically active region between the Eurasian plate and Pacific plate. The building earthquake resistance capability is an important index for life and property protection. However in the life cycle of a building, sometimes the building earthquake resistance capability may be damaged by nature or manmade events. Under the consideration of moneysaving and timesaving, a feasible way is to restrength damaged buildings instead of reconstruction. This research is based on a detail assessment process provided by the Ministry of the Interior. According to the basic requirement for structure design on strong column and weak beam, the restrength design will be studied. Four restrength methods including wing wall、shear wall、steel plate and steel bracing will be considered and compared. The result can be provided for practical design. Two typical case are studied. The results show that the shear wall as well as the steel bracing is the most economical restrength method, and the wing wall is affected by the failure mode and ductility index. The steel pate method is the last choice because of the highest cost.

Keywords Earthquake resistance capability,Failure mode,Ductility,Restrength design
Pages pp.39-52

Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of The interior, 1996, The manual  of Buildings to be reinforced concrete, seismic capacity of soil assessment.

HE,MING-JINTSAI,YI,I-CHAOCHEN,CHING-CHUAN, 1999, Existing Reinforced Concrete Building Seismic Assessment and promotion practices, Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of The interior.

Ministry of the Interior, 1997, Building Code, Construction Magazine.

Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Informatics,Chung-Hua University, 1998, Structural safety assessment report Ι.

Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Informatics,Chung-Hua University, 1999, Structural safety assessment report ΙΙ.


Journal of architecture and plannin Volume1, 1
Article Prediction on the Amount of Household Formation by Household-Membership-Rate Method
Author Chich-Ping Hu

The completion and performance of housing policy and planning is due to the precise forecast, the basis which determines the degree government-intervention, on the quantity of housing demand from the government importantly.The housing transaction is the equilibrium between demand and supply of housing market. The wromg and inadequate intervention and anticipation on housing will distort the market, such as high housing-value, high vacancy-rate, and low housing-quality, which will destroy the structure of housing policy and planning. Precise prediction on housing demand is the extra purpose of this paper. Household membership-rate method, after reviewing on the relative forecast methods on household formation, is the most adequate one to model housing demand in this paper. The most relative researches on housing demand in Taiwan area were to establish the behavior models, discussion on the level of housing service, on the basis of microeconomic theory. In this paper, it is attempt to predict the amount of household formation as the basis of housing demand by macroeconomics. The empirical study, Hsin-Chu County, shows the results of the prediction on the amount of household formation, based on the census data of 1999, by household membership rate method in 2000.

Keywords Housing Policy, Housing Demand,Housing Market,Headship Rate ; Household Formation
Pages pp.53-70

Bongaart,J.Burch, T. and K. W. Wachter, 1989, Family Demography Methode and Their Appliction, Clarendon Press Oxford.

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Linke,W., 1988, The Headship Rate Approach in Modeling Households: the case of the Federal Republic of Germany, in Keilman, Kuijsten, and Vossen  (eds.), Modelling Household Formation and Dissolution Clarendon Press Oxford.

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume1, 1
Article A Survey Research of Office Building Development in Hsin-Chu Area
Author Hung-Nien Hsieh,Tai-Shan Hu

Since the establishment of Hsin-Chu Science-Based Industrial Park, 1980, the industries were upgraded and the population grew up very fast. Also Hsin-Chu city had been planned for a high-tech metropolis with 1.2 million population by the central government. In the same time, the service industries and the demand of office increase quickly, according to the internationalization of high-tech industrial activities. The interaction relationship between urban growth and office building development is quite close. The more urbanized the city is, the more professional the office building development is. Therefore, this study will completely discuss the development of office building in Hsin-Chu in order to realize the evolution of the Hsin-Chu office building. However, The planning of the office building should concern the office activities and the related businesses such as banking, accounting, marketing to get the most profits. Thus the location choice of the office building will have to consider the demand and supply in real market. If the location and timing are not good, it will increase the vacancy rate and waste the resources. This study includes two parts, the first part is to analyses the development procedure of office building and activities in Hsin-Chu city. The second part is to show the location, distribution of office building, the industrial category, and the difference between supply and demand. Also the study forecasts the market of office building in the future. Finally, the study deeply discusses the location development and supply & demand of market. It hopes that it will be helpful for land use under the condition of scarce resources.

Keywords Office building, Location development, Demand and supply
Pages pp.71-86

LI,YU-LING, 1993, A Study on the Demand and Supply of Office, Master thesis,Department of Land Mangement, Feng Chia University.

LI,CHUN-FA,1981, Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan's experimental urban development in the northern region of influence, Master thesis, Institute of Urban Planning ,National Chung Hsing University.

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SHIH,HUNG-CHIH, 1991, Science and Technology Park on the regional socio-economic impact study, National Science Council Research Project.

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CHANG,YU-TUNG, 1985, Taipei Office Building Land Use and Transportation Study of the relationship between trip, Master thesis,Department of Land Economics,National Chengchi University.

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Daniels,Peter Watters, 1980, Office location and the journey to work : a comparative study of five urban areas .England:Gower.


Journal of architecture and plannin Volume1, 1
Article A Study on Evaluation of Living Environment and Factors of Evaluation for the Aged in Temporary Hous
Author Cheng-Hsiung Cheng,Yi-Hsien Liu

The questionnaire investigation of post-occupancy evaluation on 66 young-old persons and 33 old-old persons in temporary housing of Dong Shyh Town carried out the importance and satisfaction of living environment for the aged. Finally, the test of chi-square proved the evaluation factors of attribute and influence. As a result, the following conclusions were obtained.1.The personal territory is more important than social territory for the aged in living environment of temporary housing.2.The aged have relatively high satisfaction about equipment, ventilation and landscape, and low satisfaction about commercial facility and temperature in living environment of temporary housing. 3.The attribute factors of evaluation in living environment of temporary housing must be considered both the living situation of original and present for the aged.4.The influence factors of evaluation in living environment of temporary housing must be considered both the environment condition of indoor and outdoor.5.The study have got 11 attribute factors and 28 influence factors for post-occupancy evaluation in living environment of temporary housing for the aged.

Keywords Temporary housing, Post-occupancy evaluation, Factor of evaluation, Chi-square test
Pages pp.87-108

CHIANG,CHE-MINCHOU,PO-CHENG, 1999, The Utilization of Independent Effect in the Assessment of the Indoor Physical Environment – Taking the Care Centers for Aged People as the Illustration, Journal of Architectural,Architectural institute of the Republic of China ,31:33-49.

HOU,CHIN-HSIUNGSUNG,NIEN-CHIEN,1998, URBAN RESIDENTS' SENSE OF COMMUNITY IN TAICHUNG LI-MING COMMUNITY, Journal of Architectural,Architectural institute of the Republic of China ,24:51-65.

HUANG,YAO-JUNG, 1997, RURAL-URBAN DIFFERENCES IN THE PHYSICAL ISSUES OF PUBLIC LEISURE ENVIRONMENT FOR THE ELDERLY, Journal of Architectural,Architectural institute of the Republic of China ,21:01-20.

TSENG,SSU-YU, 1995, The Topics of Living-Space-Evaluation and Design Problems about Senior Housing-A Case Study on the Senior Housing of Kaohsiung City Relief Institution, Journal of Architectural,Architectural institute of the Republic of China ,14:9-29.

LAI,MING-MAO, 1998, Yunlin Technology Building space requirements of staff groups Residence Investigation, Journal of Architectural,Architectural institute of the Republic of China ,25:61-77.


Journal of architecture and plannin Volume1, 1
Article A Research of the Usage of IDEF0 in Construction Project Planning
Author Jian-Liang Lin,Lu-Cheng Liu

A graphical tool, IDEF0, which is an international information standard, was introduced in this paper to assist construction project planning. Traditional planning tools including blue print, CPM, and bar chart are incompetent to manage the information contained in the very complex construction project. By the advancement of current information technology, managers can fulfill their plan in a much more effective way. The definition of management was reviewed, then the usage of IDEF0 was introduced. Finally, traditional flow chart was compared with the IDEF0 technique by the case of constructing the underground diaphragm wall and a conclusion was made.

Keywords IDEF0, Construction planning, Information technology
Pages pp.109 - 122

WU,CHI-HOU, 1994, Construction Management and Construction Practice.

LIN,YAO-HUANG, 1997, Construction Engineering Construction Planning and Management Control.

CHU,PAO-LI, 1995, Constraction Management.

HUANG,CHENG-HSIN, 1993, Construction  Project  Management.

LIAO,KUO-CHEN, 1998, Construction Management, Scientifc &Technical Publishing Co.,Ltd.

TAI,CHI-SUHE,HO,CHUN-PING, 1999, Construction management services for quality management plan.

LIN,CHENG-CHIH, 1996, Application of Process Modeling on Business Process Reengineering, Master thesis, NationalCHENG,KUNG University.

TSAI,MING-HSIU, 1999, A STUDY OF THE Recycling Construction management process, Master thesis, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

YANG,YU-LAN(Translation), 1994, Transforming business - the blueprint for regeneration strategy.

PEI,CHIN-LIN, 1998, BPR theory and technology- The principles of BPR.

CHEN,HUNG-CHI, 1999, To BPR to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs.

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WU,CHO-FUYEH,CHI-TUNG, 1991, Construction Law and Construction.

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