Volume / Issue
Journal of architecture and plannin Volume8, 1
Article An Institutional Analysis of Debris-Flow Disaster Management
Author Ming-Hsun Tseng

Debris-flow is broadly recognized as a rapid flow of mixed material of debris, rock or mud with water. In Taiwan, the scale and frequency of debris-flow have been increasing for recent years, such as the serious damages of debris-flow disaster that occurred at Feng-Chiou, Tungmen and Six-Villages Kong etc. The major physical control factors of debris-flow are steep gradient, heavy water supply and unstable debris; nevertheless inadequate land use on hillsides will result in or deepen the adverse effects of debris-flow. Although researchers still debate debris-flow disaster management issues, they concern little about debris-flow disaster management from hillside land use planning, and little focus on what role institution and transaction costs play in debris flow disaster management instruments. To capture what citizens' debris-flow disaster management responses, this study adopts attitude surveys to analyzes debris-flow disaster perception and management attitudes with Wilcoxon-type and chi-square tests. Empirical results are as follow: The statistical tests indicate that debris-flow disaster perception significant higher important than hillside conservation, nuclear risk and farmland conservation, and that respondents preference of setting environmental standards over environmental taxes. In terms of management satisfaction and intent, respondents fell dissatisfaction and consider should adopt more strict regulatory instruments than current regulating activities. In Addition, this study incorporates the "new institutional economics" paradigm to emphasize the role of institution and transaction costs in the investigation of debris-flow disaster management, to re-examine the management issues of the debris-flow special water-soil conservation areas, and to propose debris-flow disaster management policy implicatopns. This paper indicate that the production of debris-flow disaster space was caused by institutional forces, that unable to realize the management objective for the debris-flow special water-soil conservation areas was caused by search and information costs, bargaining and decision costs, and policing and enforcement costs. In order to realize the effective management objective, one important institutional way for the debris-flow disaster management to do this is by lowering transaction costs.

Keywords Debris-Flow, New Institutional Economics, Institution, Transaction Costs, Debris-Flow Special Water-
Pages pp.1 - 22

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume8, 1
Article Information Technology Impacts on Freight Trip Generation: An Empirical Study of EDI Application of
Author Jen-Jia Lin, Chien-Wen Lo, Yu-Han Wang, Yu-Wen Yang, Chiung-Wen Chang, Kuo-Shian Lin

 The national information infrastructure has been taken hold on to the world since the paper. "The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action" published by the US government. The application of information technology will be a necessary trend to those enterprises which aim to globalize and increase their competitive capability. Thus, the issue of the information technology and its application will become a topical subject between the scholars. This study empirically investigated the impacts of electronic data interchange (EDI) application of Integrated Circuit (IC) manufacturers in northern Taiwan region on freight trip generation. The empirical findings presented that applying EDI to IC manufacturers will stimulate the trip generation volume, trip length and vehicle kilometer traveled. To adequately deal with the impacts, strategies of travel demand management and transportation systems planning for IC industry areas are recommended in this paper.

Keywords Electronic data interchange, Integrated Circuit manufacturers, Freight transportation, Trip generati
Pages pp.41 - 59

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume8, 1
Article Competition? Cooperation? Public-Private Partnership on Public Culture-Art Facilities Management-The
Author Chich-Ping Hu

 For the purpose to make balance between cultural accomplishments and technological industry in order to manage public Culture- Art facilities sustainably in Taiwan, which has been a multi-development country involved with culture and technology, it is an important strategy to attract private institution to participate in facilities' managerial system such that the vitality and diversification of activities will be enhanced under the condition of government financial deficits. The advantages will not only enhance the participation willingness to incur economic benefit for the institution but also promote the enterprise reputation. For the entire society, every citizen in the city will be satisfied from the institutions' feedback. For the public sector, local government can economize the use of administrative and humanly budgets. In other words, mutual gains from co-opetition among public private partnership in public culture can be achieved with the participation with private institutes. The relative reviews about the theory and method of institutional participating model, cultural leisure and financial analysis will be reviewed for the definition of case study in this paper. Investigation of participating mechanism will be applied to set up the framework in this study. Collection and arrangement of empirical case about participating Culture-Art facilities and interviews of private enterprise will be helpful to the discrimination and resolution with the issues of management performance. Finally, an example of 'Peitou Mineral Spring Museum' will be applied to investigate the economic benefit as well as to solve the solution of internal rate of return during the operating period by net present value method. Furthermore nonmarket value will be discussed in this paper. Four types of private institution participating models will be investigated in this empirical study to evaluate the economic benefit and to calculate the nonmarket value of promoting enterprise reputation as well as to concentrating staffs' centripetal force. This study will therefore be the groundwork to be referred for the future private investors as well as furthermore to increase enterprises willingness to participate Culture-Art facilities management. Therefore, multi-development Culture-Art facilities will be realized to support multi-development Culture-Art life style for the society. Finally, issues will be discussed via relative reviews about institutions' participation and the recommendations for the resolutions of these issues will be formulated. Under the condition that central and local governments with private resources participated, it is possible for public and private sectors to devote themselves to Culture-Art facilities management simultaneously and regulation codes about the private participation in Culture-Art facilities management will be formulated under flexible circumstances legally to induce private institutions' participation on Culture-Art facilities management.

Keywords Technological Industry, Public Culture-Art Facilities, Economic Benefit, Co-opetition, Net Present V
Pages pp.61 - 77

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume8, 1
Article A Study on Constructing the Evaluation System for Taiwan's Coastal Promenade Recreation Resource Man
Author Ke-Chin Yen, Chia-Chen Chang

 Promenade recreation development plans in the coastal areas in Taiwan have become valued and popular by the public in recent years, and yet, due to the lack of management and proper ways of measures implementing in the past, either many coastal resources has been lost as the result, or incidents of inappropriate development have been occurring. It is therefore an imminent task to know how to evaluate promenade recreation resource in coastal areas, while working out development tactics that are particularly appropriate for specific areas, and that is what this study is intended for. Given the changeability of coastal environment with relatively large amount of evaluation factors being involved, this study intends to study the utilization and development of coastal promenade recreation lands, while listing the development potentiality factors under different development conditions, to allow the screening of the evaluation factors by Delphi method. After all of the factors are compiled and systematically analyzed, based on the three development types of coastal recreation land utilization-coastal parks, beach resorts, boat harbors in Taiwan, the criterion for the evaluation of each factor under each development type is generalized, so as to serve as the basis for evaluating the development of coastal recreation areas. This study chose the sandy coast of Hsin Chu Fishery Port and Kun-nan Youth Leisure Center on the west of Taiwan, and the rocky coast of Golden Sandy Bay on the northeast of Taiwan, and the Ocean Park near the south end of Dragon Cave as the objects for empirical study, and after all the development factors are generalized, the development potentiality of creation resource is evaluated by Analytic Hierarchy Process. The finding of this study indicates that there is a high extent of man-made working in coastal promenade recreation areas, showing large amount of loss in the natural environmental resource. At the end, this study provides appropriate management tactics and suggestions for each specific factor, in order to serve as reference for future management and maintenance of coastal recreation resource.

Keywords Coastal, Promenade Recreation Lands, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Development Potentiality Evaluation
Pages pp.23 - 39

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