Volume / Issue
Journal of architecture and plannin Volume2, 2/3
Article The Prelimiary Analysis of Telematics Application on Land Use
Author Peggy Chang

As the popularity of information networks and the variety of relative service, telecommuting, teleshopping, teleeducating, telemedicining, telegovernment, teleconference, telebank provide in time and in door service. These technologies could release the spatial constrain and make the individuals or corporate proceed any kinds of activities in any places. Therefore the urban activities system face the rapid change. The usage of telematics which is combinated with information and communication technologies, could possibly change the pattern and density of communication, and effect the relationship between time and space, the characteristics of activity, and the spatial development. This paper analyses the possible change of spatial activities and land use pattern, and discuss the changes of the housing and office location choices, the land use patterns and urban structure by the usage of telematics.

Keywords Telematics, Land use activities, Location
Pages pp.58 - 69

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume2, 2/3
Article A Study on the Strategy of the Gas Safety and Tank Treatment
Author Fwu-Shiun Liou

The world has about 400 million tons of natural gas, therefore, its use has been popular and its safety has also been concerned. Subsequently, with respect to the developing, processing, and delivering gas to its end users, requires good quality of design and monitoring, to prevent disasters from happening. It is especially true for use in the metropolitan areas.Due to the unexpected population growth, storage tank of the Taipei gas company was surrounded by housing after years of development. Thus, the tank was finally forced to be relocated to suburban area. Hsin-Chu’s gas tank has the similar criticism. However, is it necessary to relocate all urban gas tanks has also been an issue to be discussed. This paper has the intention to deliberate the safety issue in regard to the gas storage tank and most importantly the treatment of the tank in urban area will be discussed in depth.

Keywords Gas, Storage tank, Safety
Pages pp.70 - 81

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume2, 2/3
Article A Study on the Reuse of Mined Land-Lessons from the U.K.
Author Hsin-Wen Chang, Shao-Fu Li


Keywords Mined land, Waste land, Reclamation, Land reuse
Pages pp.96 - 112

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume2, 2/3
Article Study on the Interaction Systems for the Wind Hazard Effects User's Behavior in High-Rise Buildings
Author Min-Shun Wang


Keywords High-rise buildings, Wind hazard, Environmental behavior interactions, Law of comparative judgement
Pages pp.82 - 95

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