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ÃD¥Ø The Impact of Surface Material on Thermal Comfort in Bandung City Hall Park/ Taman Balai Kota Bandun
§@ªÌ Dewi Parliana, Ratih Nesprilia, M.Rainaldy Himawan, Dicky Herdiawan

Bandung City Hall Park is a park located in the center of Bandung City which is part of the Bandung mayor's office. Bandung City Hall Park consists of Sejarah Park, Labirin Park, Badak Park and Dewi Sartika Park. Bandung City Hall Park in 2015 experienced a significant change in surface material, previously the ratio of vegetation area was much greater than the pavement. In 2019, the Bandung City Hall Park had a ratio of 50.29% pavement and 49.71% vegetation. In this study, testing and analysis of the Bandung City Hall Park was carried out by measuring the temperature of the air and material at each point for 3 months from October to December to determine the effect of the impact of each material and vegetation on temperature in the Bandung City Hall Park area. The analytical methods used are quantitative and qualitative methods. Qualitative methods are carried out by field observations and quantitative methods by collecting data in the field and processing it. The measurement results of surface temperature and air temperature in the area, found that in the Sejarah Park, the average air temperature was 29˚C-30˚C, this was caused by pavement 87.40%, softscape 6.1% and water 6.45%, the material is dominated by pebble coral which reaches temperatures of 40˚C-44˚C during the day, and andesite stone which reaches temperatures of 38˚C-49˚C. Labirin Park has an average temperature of 24˚C-33˚C, this park is dominated by 69.22% softscape and 30.77% hardscape consisting of asphalt with an average surface temperature of 40˚C during the day. Badak Park has an average temperature of 26˚C-33˚C with a predominantly 65% pavement and 35% softscape, the low temperature caused by lots of big trees so that andesite stone and pebble coral tend to have low temperatures ranging from 25˚C-35˚C. Dewi Sartika Park has an average temperature of 26˚C-34˚C with pavement and softscape compared to 53% and 47%,  this comfort air temperature caused by many shady trees that protect the pavement from exposure from direct sunlight. From the results of field observations, it was concluded that the highest heat contribution to the Bandung City Hall Park was obtained from the Sejarah Park from coral and andesite rock material which reached an average temperature of 38˚C-49˚C. The lowest heat contribution is obtained from Labirin Park which is dominated by softscape. The material used in Bandung City Hall Park has an influence on the surrounding air temperature, and from the results of the analysis of measurements of air temperature, the Bandung City Hall Park air temperature in the range of 24˚C-34˚C, which is the threshold for outdoor thermal comfort is between 22.1˚C - 30˚C.

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