Volume / Issue
Journal of architecture and plannin volume 18,2
Article Disaster Reduction Planning Issues on The Current Regional Plans
Author Jie-Ying Wu, Tien-Her Ho, Cho-Fang Tsai, Chi-Ting Huang

Taiwan is located in the earthquake and typhoon flood vulnerable area. The government tries to reduce disaster losses through spatial planning. Recently, climate change adaptation planning initiated by the National Development Council has become an important issue in policies development. In 2010, the local government started to develop the ‘‘Regional Plan of the Municipalities and County (City)’’. Since the ‘‘The National Land Use Planning Act’’ was promulgated in 2016,the‘‘Regional Plans of the Municipalities and County (city)’’are going to be transformed as the ‘‘National Land Use Plans in Municipalities and County (city)’’. Therefore, it is the best time to review the extent of hazard mitigation planning integrated into the” Regional Plan” as well as the relationship among ‘‘Local Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change” and “Local Disaster Prevention Plan” through literature review and interview. This study also provides eight issues regarding the contents and planning process of the disaster reduction planning in the regional plans after two experts meetings.

Keywords Regional plan, Disaster reduction planning, National spatial plan, Climate change adaptation
Pages pp. 93-112

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Journal of architecture and plannin volume 18,2
Article Regulatory Regimes and the Environmental Implications of Sustainability-Based Governance of Extraleg
Author Chi-Hsin Chiu

A trend of flexible, place-specific regulatory strategies prevails in both the domestic and international urban policies governing urban informality. Yet, it remains unclear in what ways these various policies can address the issues of precariousness and unsafety of squatter settlement in terms of reducing the economic and environmental externalities through active intervention from the states.  Drawing upon the theory of urban sustainability fix, thispaperanalyzes two sets of urban governance models combining urban planning, architectural management on top of sustainable science and technology. Research methods are archival research and content analyses of planning and architectural legislations along with political discourses.

The analyses findthatTaichung, in its active quest for real estate development, enactednew planning legislations grounding the transfer of floor areas and the temporal and geographical divisionasthe main strategiesgoverning extralegal residential buildings. In so doing, the municipality establishes the exchange mechanism between urban green space and unlicensed floor areas as a way to reduce the environmental and economic externalities caused by informality. Under the pressing demands of economic restructuring, Kaohsiungcity government incorporates solar energy systems and vertical greeneryinto its regulatory regimesof extralegal residential buildings through developing new and renewed architectural codes as well as building management schemes. Both cities strategically incorporate specific environmental technologies and discourses as their “sustainability fix” to balance the economic, environmental and social concerns.  This has allowed both cities tolessenenvironmental externalities of informality, continuing their legacy of tolerating urban informality, and in the meantime, seeking new development opportunitiesin the face of industrial and economic restructuring. The pro-environment urban policies in both cities discursively construct extralegal buildings and squatter settlements as something that could be worked into the entrepreneurial urban contexts.

Keywords extralegal building governance, squatter settlement, urban informality, urban sustainability fix, su
Pages pp. 113-128

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Journal of architecture and plannin volume 18,2
Article Investigating into the Influence of Tree Forms on Psychological Perception
Author Li-chiu Tsai, Yin-Hao Chiu

Humans rely on perception to receive various signals from their surrounding environment. In particular, images received through visual perception form environmental impressions that simultaneously facilitate psychological cognition and produce emotional experiences and physical reactions. This study explored the psychological effects of different tree forms on a group of participants and found that different tree forms provide different emotional experiences. Moreover, the participants differed significantly in their psychological reactions to the tree forms at different viewing distances. At a close distance, umbrella-shaped trees strongly evoked impressions of softness and warmth in the participants; crown-shaped, tower-shaped, elliptical, and conical trees, an impression of hardness; and palm trees, an impression of coldness. Participants’ psychological experience of the same tree form also changed with their viewing distance, in some cases undergoing a reversal. For example, at viewing distances of 100 meters and greater, participants’ impression of the umbrella-shaped tree shifted from warmth to coldness and hardness. Similarly, their impression of grandeur for the palm tree, or of solemnity for the tower-shaped tree, decreased with an increase in viewing distance. Regarding tree form preferences, at a close viewing distance most participants favoured umbrella-shaped, oval, round, and crown-shaped trees, and disliked conical, tower-shaped, and elliptical trees; however, preference for umbrella-shaped, round, palm, and elliptical tree forms decreased with an increase in viewing distance. The study results are applicable to environmental design. For example, round, umbrella-shaped, and oval trees, which are lively, vivid, and approachable, can be placed in senior communities. The active, vivid, and exciting forms of round, umbrella-shaped, oval, and weeping trees can be used on athletic fields. Hospitals might adopt lively, charming, and serene round trees. However, elliptical, tower-shaped, weeping, and palm trees may evoke an impression of sickness, and should be used with caution.

Keywords Perception, Emotional Experience, Tree Form
Pages pp. 129-150

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