Volume / Issue
Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 1
Article Globalization and Community Industry Management: A Case Study of Shan-An Community, Nantou County
Author Yung-Jaan Lee

 The crisis of the sustenance of agricultural industry has been even more obvious after the 921 Earthquake in 1999. Under the competitive pressure of globalization, traditional agricultural management patterns cannot meet the enormous challenge. This paper centers on the revitalization of agricultural industry in the reconstruction area. From the relationships among spatial structure, industrial characteristics, and community relationships, this paper elaborates limits and potentials regarding industrial development in the reconstruction area. While analyzing the impact of globalization on local communities, this paper starts from the global vision to suggest that if the local can adopt self-adjustment and revitalization, they can achieve the non-traditional renaissance. Based on this perspective, a case study of Shan-An, Nantou County is adopted to study the revitalization of Shan-An community in view of globalization. This case study explicitly grasps two important points: One is that it directly involves residents’ economic lives and makes community management and participation move towards residents' living and needs. Further, in this process, community and personal interests will be obtained. The other is that while it emphasizes local identity, it also emphasizes continuous renovation of local diversity and specificity. The case of Shan-An community may not be the answer to all community industry revitalizations. However, one can perhaps find an alternative approach to reflexivity and revitalization of community industry management from the case of Shan-An.

Keywords 921 Earthquake, ndustry management, citizen participation, glocalization, sustainable development
Pages pp.1 - 14

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 1
Article Environmental Uncertainty Management: A study of Precautionary Environmental Deposit-Refund Bonding
Author Ming-Hsun Tseng

 In order to prevent and eliminate environmental degradation, or promote sustainable resource use, policymakers must seek to effective regulatory instruments to realize these objectives. Economists have for long argued that the market-based incentives approach is more efficient than one based on command-and-control. The market-based incentives approach is, however, no longer appropriate as we come to deal with environmental degradation issues under uncertainty. In response to the uncertainty inherent in environmental degradation issues, it have been suggested that they be deal with using the “precautionary principle”. But the precautionary principle approach provides environmental resources users with little effective incentives to modify their behavioral patterns in environmentally friendlier directions. An innovative approach currently being researched to manage the environmental uncertainty is “precautionary pollute pays principle” (4P), which is an extension of the polluter pays principle to the polluter pays for uncertainty as well. This paper uses the approach (4P) and incorporates the “post-normal science”, “safe minimum standard”, and “transaction costs” paradigms to discuss a precautionary environmental deposit-refund bonding system in the management of environmental degradation under uncertainty.

Keywords Environmental Uncertainty Management, Precautionary Principle, Precautionary Polluter Pays Principle
Pages pp.15 - 36

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 1
Article Study on the Application Characteristics of Multi-Functional Public Facilities and the Properties Ev
Author Pei-Feng Lee,Hsueh-Yen Hu

The limited land resources have developed a trend in metropolitan area where the residential buildings have been constructed with shooting height. As a result, the population density of the residential complexes or condominiums has been dramatically increased. The demands for higher quality standard of living atmospheres have therefore forced the builders to provide more spacing, diversified and multi-functional public facilities, such as inner garden or courtyard, to the residents when they first decide where to settle down themselves. In 1995, the Kaohsiung Association of Managers of Architectures concluded the needs to set up an award in accordance with the missions of "Focusing on the panoramic space design of residential complex, displaying the themes of delicate fine cultures”. This award was named “Yuan-Yie”, the spirits of gardening and landscaping of architectures, and devoted to promoting and implementing the concepts of public facilities design for condominium. However, implements of the concepts of public facilities are not just as a symbol of elevation of living standards, but serve as an indicator for the compatibilities between the public facilities and the residents, or whether to be provided with facade meaning to real estate value promotion which should be taken cares of and worth of studies. This report was based on the surveys of several condominium projects in San-Ming District, Kaohsiung City, which had once competed for the “Yuan-Yie Award”, on frequencies of using public facilities such as courtyards, and satisfaction levels of the residents. The object was to investigate the application characteristic of the multi-functional public facilities by the residents of the condominiums. In the meantime, to build up a model of Hedonic Price to analyze whether Yuan-Yie Award influence the real estate value is very important and worthy further studies.

Keywords Condominium, Public facilities, Application characteristics, Hedonic Price
Pages pp.37 - 54

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 1
Article A study on the Promotion and Application of Green Building Indicators and Evaluation System
Author Liang-Dar Huang, Allen H. Hu

After years of promotion, green building and its benefit are gaining more and more attention in Taiwan. Besides the establishment and implementation of related regulations, several commercial buildings and some private residential buildings have also been constructed following the “green” guidelines for the sake of sales It seems the concept of green building has become another mainstream values of construction sector in Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to demonstrate the utilization of the Green Building Indicators and Evaluation System, which was developed by the Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Department of Interior Affairs. Two real residential cases were studied and each one of the indicators was calculated and compared with the benchmark values. Results of the study showed that green building is neither costly nor difficult to achieve. On the contrary, a little extra effort on the “design” stage will benefit a lot during the “use” stage. Some suggestions and recommendations are also proposed for government, industry and academia to further expand the utilization and application of the concept.

Keywords green building, sustainable development, green building indicator and evaluation system
Pages pp.55 - 73

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