Volume / Issue
Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 2/3
Article Ideal and Compact Cities:The Concept of Border Spaces
Author Shao-Fu Li

The city of spatial sphere (it may also be called the contemporary city) has not been fully through yet. In spite of all the good will and good intensions of its protagonists, it has remained either a project or a theory waiting for further development. As today’s cities, there are not bounded with any walls or borders. At the same time, people in all sorts of places are probing new concepts of local action, implementing urban projects and developing new ideas for a sustainable and just urban development. Idealism occurs in areas as diverse as urban ecology, social exclusion, local economics and community development, public space, urban culture and participatory planning. All of these activities explore open visions for the renewal of the most important urban qualities: the creation of border spaces which might offer the possibility of mutual encounters and where the most diverse experiences and social projects can flourish. In almost all cities there are many changes on the population, the economic structure, or the political problem. At this point, we might suppose an organism as the use districts of a city which be happened inside those border spaces with the followings; to pull, to push, to swallow, or to fuse to each other. And then, as biological organisms and as social agents we live within spatial zones bounded by natural and artificial extensive boundaries, that is, within zones that extend in space or time up to a limit marked by a borderline. On the other hand, if architecture searches for new modes and new typologies from the same experimental potential inherent in the difficult borderline conditions themselves, then it can become an instrument for the cultural transformations struggling today to occur. Border spaces are an urbanized and infrastructural field, in which it is impossible to distinguish between built and un-built environment. The process of modernization has gone so far that the whole world has become a second nature, incorporating artifacts, techniques and the original nature and generating a oneness. Border spaces do not necessarily have a high density of buildings, but a high intensity of forms of appropriation. It establishes a relationship between the city and the landscape, where they are not separated anymore, but parts of the whole that is our contemporary context. Since the ultimate aim is to provide an ideal thinking of every living areas between the cities to inform new spatial interventions, it is highly desirable that the combination of urban group spaces of borderlines be electronically reproducible with dynamic spatial map. The further research aims to produce a hypermedia databank dedicated to the ongoing research on the between of spatial spheres and border spaces at the northern Taiwan.

Keywords Ideal Cities, Compact Cities, Spatial Sphere, Border Spaces
Pages pp.74 - 89


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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 2/3
Article Cultural Policies under State Governance:A Historical Reflection
Author Shih-Chang Liao

 From a perspective of historical development and focused on the period from the Japanese Colonial era up to April of 2002, this article discusses state policies’ intervention in cultural development at different historical stages as well as other significant cultural developments albeit without the intervention of state regime. In addition, this paper analyzes the interactions between state’s culture policies and current Political, economic, and social developments. This research finds out that, in Taiwan, the underlying concepts of cultural policies led by the state regime focused primarily on political ideologies, education, leisure and recreation, etc. In the meantime, state’s cultural policies in the early era accentuate the purpose of political development while policies in the later era put emphasis on the overall economic development of the society. Nevertheless, cultural development used to be deemed as accessory to state’s political and economic development in the long past and there was no cultural development policy whatsoever for culture per se. As such, it leads to a serious issue that characters of current domestic culture identity are ambiguous. In order to give an in-depth analysis on the characteristics of the cultural policy development at the different stages of Taiwan, this article concludes with some issues and responses toward the historical development of the nation’s culture policies and provides some suggestions as advices for future policy formulation.

Keywords History, State Regime, Cultural Governance, Politics and Economy, Culture Policy, Culture
Pages pp.160 - 181

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 2/3
Article Evalution of Land Use Management System in Taiwan: An Insiitutional Approach
Author Tsung-Ying Lu,Chien-Yuan Lin

 Essentially, the land use management system in Taiwan is based on the traditional zoning regulation. Under zoning scheme, environmental quality and land use efficiency are achieved through the control of land use intensity and land use type in different land use zones. Due to the environmental changes and land use complexity, traditional zoning’s rigidity has hindered the demand of flexibility for innovative and special land use types. Development of new land use regulation strategy needs support of certain background and conditions, and its implementation will certainly impact the future land use management system. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the formation and evolution of land use management system in Taiwan and to provide information for the future decision making inf land use management.

Keywords System evolution, land use management, zoning regulation
Pages pp.136 - 158

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 2/3
Article Quantitative Interpretation on Vacancy Chain and Housing Welfare Application of Ordered Choice Model
Author Chich-Ping Hu

One of the most important reasons for the household- relocation is to adjust the level of housing service to match the utility changes on the one way as well as to improve the housing welfare on the other way. Vacancy chains incurring by the household relocation is the linkage between dwelling units and households. Theoretically, the larger the length of the vacancy chain is, the higher the level of the housing welfare improved. The meaning of the length of vacancy chain is the maximal opportunity of the household relocation incurring from a new construction in the market. The purpose of this paper is to establish the interpretation model to calculate the lengths of vacancy chain as a quantitative index of improved level of chain length and some selected attributes to estimate the marginal effects by Ordered Logit and Probit models. This paper uses a vacancy chain model to calculate the multiplier effects incurring from the new constructed residential community and to interpret the significance level of housing filtering. To define the product of the lengths of vacancy chain and the frequencies of household movement as the index of housing welfare improved. Finally, this paper interprets the structure of housing welfare distributed within the area and then submits the strategy. The result shows that the housing filtering process is not significant even if it does happen that the filtered housing will be either obsolescent or suffering from a lack of maintenance and a protracted decline in neighborhood or environmental condition. It is therefore inefficient to improve the housing quality of middle-low income households by accelerating housing filtering process. Other policies as adding rental housing and subsidies to low income- households are necessary to raise the level of housing welfare to weak- groups. The result also indicates that the filtering effect from the higher price- housing is more significant than the lower one. Based upon the ordered discrete choice model individual household’s attributes such as age of household-headship, household size, are quite significant. The conclusion is that for the purpose of accelerating filtering process, the key-factor of improving housing welfare will be setting on housing distinctness to increase the incentives for household relocation.

Keywords Housing Welfare, Household Relocation, Vacancy Chain, Housing Filtering Process, Ordered Logit Mode
Pages pp.112 - 134

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Journal of architecture and plannin Volume3, 2/3
Article Town Centers Revitalization-Reviews of Developed Countries
Author Kan-Chung Huang,Kuanh-Yih Yeh,Jung-Cheng Shih

 The cities of developed countries have been through highly population centralization and development. Under the impacts of “vehicle society” and “back to rural life” , the problems of suburbanization and town centers emptiness emerge gradually. Since U.S.A. ‘ U.K ‘ Japan and Germany all are the representative nations of industrialization and urbanization, the cities problems of these four countries are relatively serious and people there have perceived those problems deeply. However, the historical background and thinking philosophy among those four countries are different, so the relevant countermeasures and residents willing are extremely different. This study focus on the discussion of the circumstances and reasons of suburbanization and town centers emptiness of four countries above to further investigate the philosophy and background of each country. We hope to induct a whole theory about town centers revitalization, and some suggestions will be provided as reference while government draw up the countermeasures of town centers revitalization.

Keywords Vehicle society, Suburbanization, Town centers empitiness, Town centers revitalization
Pages pp.90 - 111

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